# 列表
这里会收录一些零散的、未整合(或不合适)到设计体系的内容。 [持续更新]
# 原创
- 数据表格最佳实践:对齐 (opens new window)
- 技巧:mac自定义多级菜单快捷键 (opens new window)
- 设计团队协作进阶:使用RSS源自动更新sketch库文件进行团队协作 (opens new window)
- chrome最好用的滚动截屏插件《Full Page Screen Capture》 (opens new window)
- Google HERAT(GSM)framwork (opens new window)
- 你真的懂图标设计吗? (opens new window)
- Tog的交互设计第一原则 (opens new window)
- font-spider 字蛛,让让网页自由引入中文字体成为可能 (opens new window)
- jovi 的 Sketch 自定义快捷键设置 (opens new window)
# 摘录
- 如何建立一套自己的思维框架? (opens new window)
- 搞定弥散投影 实用落地小技巧 (opens new window)
- 关于 UI 中的投影,我从原理给你讲起 (opens new window)
- 七种投影详细解析(内含技巧) (opens new window)
# 英文
- A comprehensive list of UX design methods & deliverables (opens new window)
- Shapes of UX designer (opens new window)
- UI design shapes & objects basics: Shadows and Blurs (opens new window)
- How to make Perfect Shadows in UI Design (opens new window)
- How to build a bulletproof product design strategy (opens new window)