# 未归类
- 4db (opens new window) 日本网页设计欣赏
- straightline (opens new window) 日本网页设计欣赏
- Korea web design (opens new window) 韩国网页设计欣赏,更新快
- Mobile Patterns (opens new window) 移动网页设计欣赏
- hoverstat (opens new window) Web 交互动画欣赏
- io3000 (opens new window)
- web design clip (opens new window)
- site inspire (opens new window)
- the best designs (opens new window)
- ivdesign (opens new window)
- 乐艺leewiART CG精英艺术社区,汇聚优秀CG艺术作品 (opens new window)
- 2019 Skyline of Paris, Gigapixel 360º Panoramic Photo (opens new window) 360全景城市
- Manu – I write (opens new window) 极简主义
- Visual history of computing by Akita Systems (opens new window) 可视化计算机历史
- 利器x播客 (opens new window)
- Form Follows Function (opens new window)
- Five Second Test (opens new window)
- Pitch - Collaborative presentation software for modern teams (opens new window)
- TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency (opens new window) - 图片压缩
- code4app (opens new window)
- jjying (opens new window)
- 优波设计 - 设计师必备网址导航 ubuuk.com (opens new window)
- 设计订阅 - 腾讯设计导航 (opens new window)
- Frequently (opens new window)