# 色板
# 色板工具
原色板工具新板更新后不可用,改用 import colors sketch 替代,功能更强大,通用。
文件类型 | 扩展名 | 支持应用 |
Apple Color Picker Palette | .clr | macOS Color Picker 1 |
Adobe Color Swatch | .aco | Photoshop 2 |
Adobe Color Table | .act | Photoshop 2 |
Adobe Swatch Exchange | .ase | Photoshop, Illustrator 2 |
GIMP Palette | .gpl | GIMP, Inkscape |
Sketch Palette | .sketchpalette | Sketch (old version) |
Sketch Preset | .sketchpreset | Sketch 3 |
Sketch Document | .sketch | Sketch 3 |
Text File | .txt , .text | Text Editor 4 |
# 工具使用
- In Sketch run "View" - "Show Colors", select palette tab, then click the gear icon, to open .clr files.
- The color save in CMYK, LAB, Grayscale model from .aco or .ase file, maybe have different hex value between Sketch and Photoshop.
- Only import document colors.
- Save colors in each lines, like red: #ff0000, color support hex, CSS color name, 8-digit hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla.
# 常用色板下载
Flat UI Colors.clr ———— Flat UI 色板
HTML Colors.clr ———— HTML 色板
Material Design Colors.clr ———— google Material Design 色板
Metro Colors.clr ———— Microsoft Metro design 色板
Real Brush.clr ———— Kuretake 吴竹色板
Social Colors.clr ———— 社交软件色板
web 版 https://materialui.co/ (opens new window)
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